Orgasmic Meditation

May 05, 2021, by Psychosexology W/ Gayatri

Orgasmic Meditation

When we say intimacy, most people think it as a physical pleasure. But, intimacy is more emotional than being physical. There is a great relation between mind and body when it comes to sexual pleasure. And unless and until you develop good connection between mind and body, you won't be able to enjoy sexual pleasure.  

Meditation and masturbation might sound like strange things. But actually on both physiological and  psychological levels, the two go together like peanut butter and jelly. When it comes to female pleasure, many women are unble to enjoy it. As there are so many factors from trauma, to self-consciousness, to shame, guilt, stress that could be inhibiting a woman’s ability to fall into the waves of pleasure. So, if you are the one who is unable to achieve orgasm, then you should definitely, try out Orgasmic Meditation.

Orgasmic meditation or “OM” is a unique wellness practice that combines  mindfulness, touching, and pleasure. It is a practice that aims to take the rush off the sexual encounters and facilitate an experience that allows you to feel the gentle and sometimes electric waves of pleasure that comes with slowing down, and taking the emphasis off of penetration. It is 15 minutes process in which a woman lies down and her partner strokes her clitoris for 15 minutes using a learned technique. Let me, make you clear, that Orgasmic Meditation is not a foreplay. You don't perform any kind of sexual activities during this process. OM is goalless, so there is no rush to make things work out which allows people to stay present in the practice. It involves two people: the receiver, or “strokee”, is someone who has a clitoris (woman, non-binary, or trans) and a “stroker”, who can be anyone. There is no stroking of male genitalia.

• Set up - Make sure your environment is safe and comfortable. Use props, pillows, cousions, blanket, so that women can lie comfortably on it. Then choose the comfortable position which will help you to give better strokes to your partner. Ask your partner to spread legs in butterfly position that can definitely give you best angle to give strokes to your partner.

• The stroker stays fully clothed, while the strokee (woman) only undresses from the waist down. 

• Set a timer of 15 minutes. You can also play romantic and calm tune or music during session to make it more relaxable.

• Apply lube to your fingers and then start stroking your partner gently on upper left side of clit up and down for 13 minutes.

• And in next 2 minutes start giving downward strokes on genetilia with little pressure. And then give time to your partner to relax.

When you can calm the mind and body, you can tune into what you're feeling and experiencing, which can increase arousal, emotional connection and pleasure which may lead to orgasm. Mindfulness activities focused on physical sensations are able to enhance feelings of arousal in women.

What if you don’t have a partner? 
Try meditative masturbation, a solo practice. Begin with the breath; pay attention to every inhale and exhale. The final step is connecting mind and body. This is where the connection can be made of mindfulness and sexual enjoyment. While orgasmic meditation is strictly a partnered activity, it is possible to perform meditative masturbation alone. 

People who practice OM claim to experience increased happiness, less stress and anxiety, and have healthier and more connected relationships. This technique can help you resolve a number of sexual problems : low libido, body image issues, anxiety, trauma, genital pain. Women who practice mindfulness enjoy way better sex, with higher arousal, desire and better orgasms.

So, give a try to this new meditation technique and take up your sexual pleasure at next level.



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