Building Pillars Of Wellness

April 28, 2022, by Psychosexology W/ Gayatri

Building Pillars Of Wellness

Good health doesn't mean absence of disease. Health has a broader approach including holistic wellness. Health isn't only about mainting a good physical health but it's also about having balance between and mind and body. There are different factors which contributes to wellness known as 8 pillars of wellness. The path to wellness isn't similar to all. The journey is unique and different for each individual. Your personality, biology and environment will determine what wellness means to you. That’s why your approach should be personalized. Working toward developing each of the pillar, even through small steps will help you become a healthier and happier version of yourself. So, let’s learn more about each pillar and how you can strengthen each one.

8 Pillars Of Wellness
1. Physical Wellness
Physical wellness is more than just a physical activity. Physical wellness also includes appropriate sleep, hygiene, and a healthy diet. Like sleep is a crucial part of physical wellness. Barely any sleep during the night can contribute to your body reacting slower throughout the day and that goes hand in hand with too much sleep.
- Avoid screens 30 minutes before bedtime.
- Incorporate a relaxing wind-down routine each night. This can include dimming lights in your home, turning on calming music, and even light stretching.
- Block out unnecessary light and noise. This can be done with blackout curtains and a white-noise machine.

When it comes to hygiene, establishing proper habits will not only make you healthier but also more confident. Bathing regularly, trimming and cleaning underneath your nails, and washing your hands are all important when it comes to building up this physical pillar of wellness. 

2. Nutritional Wellness
Ensuring you’re eating a balanced diet is essential to building this pillar in your life. Remembering that every individual is different, proper nutrition is a key pillar in wellness and determining what it means to be well. Nutrition must be personalized based on age, sex, activity level and body chemistry. Diversifying your plate with appropriate amounts of each food group will help you acquire the necessary nutrients for energy, muscle growth, recovery and other bodily processes.
- Consume a variety of fruits and vegetables.
- Pay attention to portion sizes and calorie intake to help with weight maintenance.
- Make sure you get enough energy form your plate.
- Replacing refined grains with their whole counterparts to make sure you get enough fiber. Making sure your diet has enough fiber can help with weight loss and maintenance and can also lower your cholesterol.

3. Emotional Wellness
Emotional wellness means the ability to navigate your feelings. This means identifying, assessing and effectively sharing those feelings with others. The ups and downs of life can take you on an emotional rollercoaster. But the better you understand, process and manage those feelings, the smoother the ride will be. Being in control of your emotions or at least being aware of them can is a crucial part of your overall holistic wellness. If you find it difficult to regulate your emotions or communicating them with others, it might be a good idea to go to Psychologist so that you can build this pillar in your life. 
- Try out journaling as part of your daily routine. Journaling can help you reflect on the parts of your life that bring you happiness and parts that don’t. Journaling is a tool that allows you to process complex thoughts and emotions, which helps promote positive thinking and self-talk.
- Create a list of those who support you. When going through tought time having quick reference at hand may make it easier for you to reach out.
- Seek out a therapist or counselor.

4. Social Wellness
Social relationships play an important role in our wellness. They create support systems that can carry you through life’s struggles. So, it's important to build good relations. While building relationships, make sure you are surrounded with positive people and not with negative ones.This is the most important thing while working on wellness. Cause, people around you, definitely affect your thoughts and your energy.
- Scheduling phone dates with your friends you don't see often to maintain your friendship.
- Meet new people through social media.
- Join clubs involving people with your interests and hobbies.

5. Spiritual Wellness
This pillar plays a stronger role in one person’s life. Maintaining spiritual wellness will look different for everyone. This is an important component that helps us work through tough times and develop resiliency when we face difficulties in the life. Spirituality is commonly viewed as a finding purpose, direction or meaning in life. And teach a person how to balance life. Spiritual health is about personalizing your journey and acknowledging that you have a purpose. Some might practice mindfulness as a way of checking in with their intentions, guiding their actions and maintaining a values-based approach to life. Many cultivate their spirituality through meditation, prayer, or yoga or other activities that foster a connection to nature or a higher power.vThe way of creating a balance can different for everyone. How you choose to strengthen your spiritual health is up to you, for you are the creator of your own greatness.
- Give some time each day to yourself. Make this time a priority, free of distractions, interruptions and major activities. Use that time to relax, reflect, meditate, or pray.
- Write a journal. Writing regularly can help clear your mind and keep you accountable to the goals you’ve set. And give clarity to your thoughts.
-Write down the values in your life and reflect on them.
- Learn different techniques to maintain the balance between mind and body.

6. Intellectual Wellness
Intellectual wellness is strengthened by continually engaging the mind. It is the act of lifelong learning which can lead to new hobbies and interests. It's about developing a thrust for getting knowledge and learning new skills. You might choose different ways to keep your mind sharp, depending on your mood. Some may turn to mathematics, or writing. Even simply engaging in intellectually stimulating conversations and debates, deep conversations can strengthen this pillar. Whatever you choose to do, just know that those small acts are strengthening your overall intellectual wellness. Playing brain games like Sudoku or solving puzzels can aslo help you.
- Boost your curiosity to learn about things.
- Say yes to enjoying new adventures.
- Do self reflecting activities.

7. Financial Wellness
Financial wellness might sound less important as other factors. But, being deprived of money can literally affects person's mental health and lifestyle. So, it's important to learn how to manage money. Taking small steps to control spending and saving money can really lighten the burden on your everyday life. It can be tough to start developing this pillar, but you’ll be glad you did.
- Learn about managing and investing money.
- Set aside a fixed amount of money every month for non-essentials, like entertaining, dining out, and recreation
- Keep a budget and mainatain a diary to note down your expenses.

8. Environmental Wellness
It's about the surrounding you live in and work in. Environmental wellness is determined by the reciprocal relationship between an individual and their environment. Your surrounding environment affects your personal growth. So, make sure you create positive vibes in the environment you work in. As humans, we are designed to contribute, add value and render service to the world around us. The truth is that we all have a unique contribution and we are happiest when we are making our greatest contribution. This pillar is all about your contribution to the bigger picture: Your community! The more you care and respect your nature and built environments, the better they can support and sustain your daily life.
- take care of your environment by taking part in good intiatives which can save nature from pollution. eg. start the use of bicycle or public transport rather than using private vehicle.
- plant trees
- join clubs and build social network to do something to save natural resources.

Creating healthy habits will help you to strengthen these pillars of wellness. To determine your personalized approach to wellness, reflect on the eight pillars of holistic health and wellness. Figure out which ones require your attention. And then work on it. Strengthening each one will provide a great foundation for living your best and healthiest life.



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