Fifty Shades Psychology

May 01, 2022, by Psychosexology W/ Gayatri

Fifty Shades Psychology

If you've watched the movie "Fifty Shades Of Grey", you might call it a sappy romance or the just the film showing the realistic sexual desires of men and women. But, is it just a movie showing the game of pain & pleasure or there is a deep psychological evaluation behind it???

The film showcased the sexual desires between the main character, Christian Grey and Ana Steele. Anastasia Steel's behaviour of submitting herself to abuser's sexual desires and Christian Grey's behaviour of manipulating his partner to get the pleasure may convince many women and men that the behaviour is okay as anything is fair in love. But, it isn't a normal behaviour and has deep psychological roots. The movie
depicts sadism and masochism and viewers enjoy it thinking that it's another way of getting pleasure but, many people are unaware of the fact that these two kinks are assosciated with physcial abuse and fall under the category of mental disorders. The romance between Grey and Anastasia shows the woman's fantasy of being controlled and dominated by a man. It suggests that women have strong mental conflicts around the idea of being free and being dominant. The nature of the couple's relationship  showcase the charactersitic of abusive relationship and even when the kinks were consensual, it shows the signs of an abused woman. Grey's childhood abandonment and Anastasia's curiosity to explore her sexuality, make them depend on each other heavily for emotional stability. Grey's sadism brings out sadomasochistic features of Ana that makes it hard for her to resist being pulled into a passionate, physical relationship of control, submission and domination with him.

Why Some People Are Loving The Movie?
The main reason behind is all humans appear to possess subcortical circuits for sexual dominance as well as submission. And movies shows the game of taking charge and loosing control to get the pleasure which people find relatable. Many alpha males in socially dominant positions experience relief in identifying with a submissive role. This is the reason why men like it when Aansatasia takes the control. In male dominated society where women are taught to be submissive and controlled by men, women love to take control in bed. This is why the Anasatasia likes it when Grey let her be in charge, it gives her a chance to feel the power and explore her deep and dark desires by being herself. This is why, even when Grey is manipulative, she is attracted to him. This isn't just the movie, but the mirror of men and women's deep sexual desires of how they want to get loved and how they want to explore the world of sex.

Understanding Sadism And Masochism
After watching the movie, many people criticizing and saying it isn't the type of love but just the obsessive and abusive romance. This is because, people till the date don't know that this kind of love isn't the new concept but has its roots in ancient era. And that's why they aren't open up to try out the game of pain and pleasure.

Common sense tells us that people seek pleasure and avoid pain. The idea that we can achieve happiness by maximising pleasure and minimising pain is both intuitive and popular. The truth is, however, very different. Pleasure alone cannot make us happy. Various activities involve pain, including running, hot massages, tattoos, piercings and even BDSM (an abbrivation of bondage, domination, submission and masochism)
But, still people get pleasure from these activities.

It is not unusual for us to close down to situations that we fear will bring pain and discomfort. Replacing our tendency of avoidance with a capacity for wonder when it comes to our pain associations with sex is eye opening and has the potential to release an untapped capacity for pleasure. And some people untap the capacity and try out sadism and masochism. 

is when one gets the pleasure by inflicting pain on their partner. The one inflict the pain called as sadist. Masochism is when one gets the pleasure by receiving the pain. Now, you might wonder, 

How One Can Get Pleasure Out Of Pain???
This is because love, sex, pain and violence all stimulate the release of similar chemicals and hormones in the human body. Endorphins that are released in painful experiences are often perceived as pleasurable. Stress and pain can also stimulate the serotonin and melatonin production in the brain which transforms painful experiences into pleasure. The release of  epinephrine and norepinephrine in pain can also cause a pleasurable 'rush'. Normal human biological response actually supports the complex and mysterious link between pain and pleasure. And it's not surprising that the practice of combining painful techniques with sexuality is ancient. Even the Kama Sutra refer to safe practices of what has come to known as BDSM. Consensual sadomasochism should not be confused with acts of sexual aggression. While sadomasochists seek out pain in the context of love and sex, they do not do so in other situations. Experimenting sadomasochism isn't a problem if done with consent and with little pain. But, if you or your partner need a severe pain to get the pleasure or unable to get the pleasure without pain then you should definitely need to go to psychologist to know the underlying reasons.

When it comes to getting pleasure, everyone has their way of getting turn on. So, even if some people might criticize the movie and calling it as a abnormal sexual behaviour, one can't deny the fact that some people need to feel pain or to give pain to get the pleasure. The act of loving requires a willingness to experience both the pain and pleasure. Loving someone emotionally creates the same pain and pleasure experience that lives in the body while making love to them. The moments of deep connection, intimacy, vulnerability and nakedness are matched by their opposite experiences like feeling deeply hurt by your lover, by what was said, or just as often, what went unsaid. Pain may not be a pleasurable experience itself but it builds our pleasure in ways that pleasure alone simply cannot achieve. That's the reason people get into sadomasochism. So, are you willing to explore the world of pain and pleasure????



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