Are Your Fantasies Normal??

May 28, 2021, by Psychosexology W/ Gayatri

Are Your Fantasies Normal??

When was the last time you fantasized?? And what did you fantasize?? Have you ever told your fantasies to anyone???? Have you ever tried performing fantasies in real????

When it comes to fantasy nobody even try to talk about it may be because of shame, guilt, cultural aspects, fear of judgement and social rejection. And that's the reason many people don't even know if their fantasies are normal, healthy or unhealthy or is it even okay to fantasies. But, let me tell you, it's absolutely normal to fantasize. Everyone fantasize regardless of their gender, sexuality & relationship status. Even asexual people fantasize. No matter even if you have partner or not you can fantasize to fulfil your inner desires.

Fantasy is the process of creating mental images in response to psychological need. It is a situation imagined by an individual or group, which does not correspond with reality but expresses certain desires of its creator. Fantasies may find waste of time for some people but it is one kind of investment you do in yourself. It's the way to understand yourself and explore yourself. Fantasies are typically associated with scenarios that are impossible in reality or the series of actions you can't perform in present but you would like to perform. Most of our sexual arousal happens in our mind. Some people would think why there is a need to fantasize if you have a partner. You need to understand that it's absolutely normal to explore your fantasies even when you're with a partner. When you think you can't perform some of your fantasies in reality or you're unable to perform your sexual desires like masturbating with your partner or having sex with stranger or other desires, then fantasies give you personal space to explore your own desires. Sometimes people want to keep their inner desires just in their minds and don't really want to enjoy them in reality because of some reasons. So, then fantasy is the best way to get the pleasure and to fulfil the wishes of your erotic mind.

But, what to do if you want to spice up your sex life by bringing out those fantasies inside your bedroom???? In the starting, you might find it uncomfortable to express your fantasies to your partner, may be because of the fear of judgement or whatever. So, what to do then??? Remember, trust is the most important thing when it comes to enjoying great sex. Unless and until there is no trust & acceptance, you can't bring your fantasies in reality. Try to create a bonding and start sharing your fantasies with your partner, try to start fulfilling each other’s fantasies. This process will make both of you happier, more confident, less stressed & healthier. Start talking about what both of you would like to do and would like to feel. But, don't forget to take the consent of your partner. Not all people have similar fantasies and your partner might think that your fantasies are not valid or absurd or abnormal. And they may not be okay with that. But, that doesn't mean you should feel guilty of having those fantasies. Fantasies are based upon your life experiences, childhoood, trumas, unconscious thoughts and desires which left unfulfilled. Fantasy is a way to fulfil all of those unfulfilled desires. Your fantasies are only yours and you have no need to feel gulity for having them.

Fantasies can be entertaining, distracting, frightening. Fantasizing can foster creativity, help you better understand your wants and needs, and even enable them to plan for the future. Fantasies can even boost your confidence and help you to explore yourself in better way. It’s not always possible to state what your sexual fantasies might mean, but some fantasies have been shown to be associated with certain non-sexual desires, past experiences, personality  traits. It’s possible to become preoccupied with a fantasy that it start interfering with daily life or causes significant mental distress. Repetitive thoughts or fantasies can be the indication of obsessive- compulsive disorder. And that's when you can say, your fantasies becoming unhealthy and then you should seek the help of counselor.

Pleasure is the most important pursuit of mankind and the source of all that is good. Our mind is most exotic thing we have. So, make sure you fantasize & start your journey to pleasurable life.



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