Is Cheating Genetic??

May 28, 2021, by Psychosexology W/ Gayatri

Is Cheating Genetic??

You might have wondered why your partner cheated on you even when you were so loyal, loving, genuine & shared a great bond once a time. So, what made them cheat on you????

You might not know but sometimes cheating of your partner has nothing to do with your faults but because of their own choice and their genetics. Cheating on one’s partner is regarded as a symptom of an unsatisfactory relationship- marital discord, sexual satisfaction and emotional alienation. According to experts, people can learn cheating from their caretakers. Family environment, bonding with parents, nature & nurture, past experiences in relationships affect the way person looks at relationships. When child see parents being unhappy with each  other and how they become unfaithful to each other or cheat for their satisafaction it ultimately affects the way child perceives relationships. When child see how parents cheat and find out new partner when they are not satisfied sexually or emotionally with their current partner then, child also learns cheating as a defence machanism to avoid or overcome negative emotions and experiences and use them to fulfil his pleasures and desires. And this behavioural tendency also affects his future relationships. But, it's not necessary that someone with such behavioural tendencies end up cheating only because they are more inclined to cheat.

So, is it the only reason people cheat???? Absolutely not. Study suggests brain chemistry also plays a role in people’s ability to commit.
There is a small amount of research that suggests cheating could be genetic. People might cheat because of their genes. Certain genes linked to sensation-seeking behaviors have been identified by researchers from State University of New York in Binghamton. Scientists have said that cheating can be linked to dopamine receptor DRD4 polymorphism - aka the thrill-seeking. This gene is known to be responsible for alcoholism and gambling addiction. The more you have DRD4, the more prone you are to thrill seeking. Humans are naturally drawn to activities that make them feel pleasure. For some people cheating is kind of thrill and plasure. So, one could cheat only to feel the thrill associated with it. A handful of studies in humans have suggested that genes and hormones may predispose men & women to infidelity. Some studies found that women who carry variants of the vasopressin receptor gene are more likely to  engage in sexual infidelity. This hormone impacts trust, empathy, and sexual bonding. One research also shows that: ‘an individual’s genetic makeup in general influences how likely he or she is to cheat. There is not a single ‘cheating gene’ in the DNA, but rather that genetic variations affect our hormone levels. These levels determine how bonded to our partner we feel.

Findings of all these researches do not indicate a cause-and-effect association between genetics and sexual behavior, but the study does provide evidence that biology affects human behavior and the decisions people make in their personal lives. Still more research has to be done. But, one can't deny the fact that  genetic is not always the only thing and other things like self-will, environment, attraction towards another partner, sexual dissatisfaction also play important role in cheting. We always have a choice whether to cheat or not.



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