The Goal Of All Life Is Death

May 17, 2021, by Psychosexology W/ Gayatri

The Goal Of All Life Is Death

Do you know what drives people to suicide or to kill themsleves?? What is inside their head that forces them to end the beautiful journey of life??? Why some people have anti-social tendencies or enjoy doing something that hurt others??? And on the ohter hand, you see some people getting most out of their life. So, what really drives them that makes them so productive?? What are those things which make people this different??? The one theory which I am going to tell you might help you to understand the reason behind all of these beavioural at some extent. But, let me make it clear, this theory is not the only reason behind all of this.

All human behaviours are motivated by drives and instincts. Instinct is an inborn impulse or motivation to action typically performed in response to specific external stimuli. Instincts are goal-directed and innate patterns of behavior that are not the result of learning or experience. There are two types of instincts that drives people to perform specific actions and direct their behviour in some ways.

Life instincts
Life instincts also referred as Eros.
Sometimes referred to as sexual instincts. The life instincts are those which deal with basic survival, pleasure, and reproduction. These instincts are essential for sustaining the life of the individual as well as the continuation of the species. While we tend to think of life instincts in terms of sexual procreation, these drives also include such things as thirst, hunger, and pain avoidance. The  energy created by the life instincts is known as libido. The life instincts are focused on the preservation of life, both of the individual and of the species. This drives people to engage in actions that sustain their own lives, such as looking after their health and safety. It also exerts itself through sexual drives, motivating people to create and nurture new life. 

Death instincts
Death instincts also referred as Thanatos. Life instincts are opposed by the self-destructive death instincts, known as Thanatos. The death drive is a drive toward death and destruction  often expressed through behaviors such as aggression, repetition, self-destructiveness and compulsion. The concept of death instinct was given by Sigmund Freud who believed that people typically channel their death instincts outwards. Aggression, for example, arises from the death instincts. Sometimes these instincts towards destruction can be directed inwards, however, which can result in self-harm or suicide. People who experience a traumatic event would often reenact that experience. From this, he concluded that people hold an unconscious desire to die but that the life instincts largely temper this wish. Death instinct is associated with anti-social behaviors such as sadism and violence, and it drives the individual toward death and extinction. The life instincts might compel you to seek healthy relationships and social support, which are essential for emotional health. Destructive tendencies, on the other hand, might lead you to engage in actions that are less healthy, such as behaving aggressively or engaging in risky actions. The life instinct and death instinct correspond and clash with each other in a lifelong struggle. Once you are able to recognize some of these tendencies in yourself, you might be better able to temper these drives and replace negative behaviors with more positive choices.

The only way to live your life with all pleasure is to understand yourself and find out what you really want out of your life. There is always more to know about yourself.......
Know yourself, grow yourself.



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