Can Anxiety Cause Erectile Dysfunction?

May 13, 2021, by Psychosexology W/ Gayatri

Can Anxiety Cause Erectile Dysfunction??

Not many people give a look at how mental health is related to our sexual health. And that's one of the main reason why some people can't get a full pleasure out of sex. Even your daily routine, thoughts, behaviour, everything affects how you feel in bed. And when you forget to give a look at how you are doing in your life and how badly your mental health has affected, you won't be able to understand the reason behind your sexual problems.

Anxiety is one of the main reason behind sexual problems especially when it comes to Erectile Dysfuntion. 
Yes, men with anxiety disorders might struggle with erections. It is common to feel anxious at times. However, for a person with an anxiety disorder, these feelings interfere with everyday life and relationships and create distress.

Erectile dysfunction (ED) happens when you can’t get an erection that’s sufficient for satisfying sex. That can include erections that aren’t as firm or don’t last as long as you like. The causes of ED can be both psychological and physical. When the reason behind ED is psychological like stress, anxiety or other mental health conditions, then it is known as Psychogenic Erectile Dysfuntion.

You can experience three types of erections: reflexive (due to physical stimulation), psychogenic (due to visual or mental associations), and nocturnal (during sleep). Erection involves mental and physical processes. And disruption in any of these processes can cause ED.

Changes in
• nervous system
• muscles
• blood vessles
• hormones
• emotions can cause ED

Other reasons
• job problems, loss, or stress
• relationship problems and conflicts
• illness or loss of a loved one
• fear of aging
• changes in health
• financial burdens

Erections involve blood flowing into the penis in response to signals from the brain. But stress can interrupt signals between the brain and body. So, you might be psychologically aroused but as long as your brain is occupied with other thoughts, it won't get the message to produce an erection. Mental distractions affect that ability of brain. ED specifically relates to arousal. Feeling anxious or stressed can make it hard to feel or sustain sexual pleasure.

• Anxiety
• depression
• performance anxiety
• low self confidence
• low self esteem
• relationship difficulties
can cause erection problems, but guys who are anxious or depressed often use unhealthy coping mechanisms that can make ED worse. These include using tobacco products or drinking too much alcohol and using drugs.

How To Treat Psychogenic Erectile Dysfunction?

Treatment is based on the cause behind your problem.

Seek therapy to find out the reason behind stress and anxiety. Sometimes the reason behind your anxiety and stress lies in your past experiences. Therapy can help you to break out the stress and anxiety.

Psychodynamic therapy can help to address the conflict that can help to find the root cause of your ED

Sex therapy can help you to reduce the stress and build the secure and pleasurable sex life.

You can also try, meditation, exercise,
yoga and other activities which can help you to relax your mind and body as these activities causes hormonal changes in your body which in turn can help you to reduce the anxiety and stress.

Remember, the more you learn to take care of your mental health, the more you will be able to enjoy the sexual pleasure.




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