Main Character Syndrome

June 04, 2021, by Psychosexology W/ Gayatri

Main Character Syndrome

With the increasing use of technology, everyday some new health issue is arising. With the natural human desire of getting recognized on social media, people are facing mental heath issues. And one of such issue is Main Character Syndrome. Socail media making it easier for people to fall into the trap of main character syndrome.

"Main Character Syndrome” is a social media phenomenon described as feeling as though you are the chosen one and that everyone and everything revolves around you. Young people are pretending to be the protagonists in the movie version of their lives. It describes people who act as if life is a movie and they are the central character. Main character syndrome is when somebody presents, or imagines themself as the lead in a sort of fictional version of their life. Main character syndrome is being explored so widely on social media. People are capturing and curating moments of their lives for an audience in such a way that they will get more and more praise and fame. They are getting addicted to get a validation and ready to cross boundries by harming others or themselves just to get attention at any cost. People with this syndrome tend to create a narrative which will give them more validation from  viewers. Main character syndrome could share traits with the psychological problems like narcissistic personality disorder for some people.But, it is not exactly like narcissism. Main character syndrome may just be taking that sort of behaviour a bit further into all aspects of a person’s life. Social media just makes it very much easier & quicker for anybody to present a false version of themself. And lack of direct contact or face-to-face conversation enables this behviour to persist. And people keep on faking their identity on social media considering that they are doing best based on the praise they are receiving. Indirectly, such people get manipulated by some viewers to engage in outrageous behaviours sometimes in order to get validation and people blindly follow new trends to get fame which may affect their real identity.

Some people say that social media gives you confidence to explore yourself but it can also be great distraction that can fuel other problems and can make person forget his/her real identity and what he/she wants from life as they focus more on what audience wants from them. This can prevent the person from addressing what needs to be addressed in order to get real pleasure out of life. In the case of main character syndrome, you are removing yourself from the reality by imagining it to be different than it is and presenting yourself to be in a different reality than you are.

Some people say main character syndrome is like mindfulness. But,
mindfulness is about being aware of the realities of your present, noticing your environment and freeing yourself from past influences. But, in the case of main character syndrome, you are removing yourself from the reality, by imagining it to be different than it is thus you are not really accepting the truth but living in one kind of fantasy world.

No matter what someone says, we can't deny the fact that social media has taken away our pleasure of enjoying real moments.



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