Refactory Period

July 07, 2021, by Psychosexology W/ Gayatri

  Refactory Period

The refractory period is usually the recovery phase after orgasm. After orgasm, both men and women experience a resolution stage. The refractory period occurs after the resolution stage. At resolution stage, our bodies recover from sexual excitement and return to their normal states. For men, the penis becomes flaccid again and he goes through a refractory period. In resolution stage, muscles start to relax, blood pressure and heart rate go down and your body becomes less responsive to sexual stimulation. This is where the refractory period begins. Refractory period is the span of time after having an orgasm during which a person is not sexually responsive. During this period, a person might lose interest in sex or they might not be able to have sex. It may not be possible for a person to get an erection, ejaculate or orgasm. During this period, a man doesn’t think about sex or get aroused. His body does not respond to sexual stimulation and he is unable to reach orgasm again until the period is over. 

Males and females both experience refactory period but,refactory period in women is more complicated as compared to men. The length of the refractory period varies greatly from person to person. Refactory period for men ranges from few minutes to 24 hours or might extend to some days. Younger men experience shorter refactory period as compared to older men. Normal refractory period for women may be for a few seconds to some minutes that it might go unnoticed.

What are the reasons behind refactory period ??
• Both males and females might experience a psychological refractory period. It happens when a person does not want to have sex again. They may feel satisfied and prefer to avoid immediate sexual contact. Some people also feel tired during this period. Some males can orgasm without ejaculating and thus can have multiple dry orgasms but, no refractory period. While some females lose interest in sexual activity after an orgasm, they are usually physically able to engage in sexual activity again. There are many women who experience clitoral hypersensitivity after orgasm, which can effectively create a refractory period. These women may be capable of further orgasms, but the pain involved in getting there makes it undesirable for them. The refactory period is also depend upon what you are thinking, which thoughts are stressing your mind. Relationship with your partner may affect the refactory period. Like how much you are into that person??? Or how hard you want that pleasure??? What kind of equation you currently have with your partner???

The refractory period can occur due to a blocked sodium channel(Na). When the sodium channel becomes completely inactive, then it cannot be stimulated in any way. In such cases a man will not be able to feel any sensation and is never sexually aroused.

Sexual function reduces with age. People take more time to sexually aroused as they grow older which in turn causes longer refactory period.

• Many factors can influence the length of the refractory period, including: a person’s overall health,
relationship quality, quality of sex, frequency of sex.

• It also found that the male peripheral nervous system (PNS) is much more involved in the body’s changes after orgasm. It’s thought that compounds called prostaglandins affect the overall nerve response, resulting in a longer refractory period.

• A peptide called somatostatin is also reduces sexual arousal right after ejaculation.

• An increased infusion of the  hormone oxytocin during ejaculation is also responsible for the male refractory period and the amount by which oxytocin is increased may affect the length of each refractory period.

• The researchers found that prolactin, a key hormone in the refractory period which is repressed by dopamine can be responsible for sexual arousal. And thus affect the length of refactory period.

If you have a high libido or feel heightened arousal during a particular sexual encounter, you may experience a shorter refractory period which allows you to orgasm much sooner after a previous orgasm. But low libido might affect your length of refactory period. And can extend it.

If you experience sexual dysfunction like erectile dysfunction or any sexual issues then, your body may need to wait longer before becoming aroused again. And can increase your length of refactory period.

Research shows that the type of sexual experience you engage in can also affect the length of your refactory period. If you engage into the solo  masturbation, your refractory period may only be a few seconds, whereas your refractory period may be longer if you engage in partnered sexual intercourse.

How to reduce refactory period???
• Do cardiovascular exercise to maintain healthy sexual function and try to maintain a healthy body weight.
• Maintain healthy diet.
• Avoid drinking alcohol before sex.This can interfere with the cardiac functions necessary for arousal.
• No drugs have been approved for this purpose, but research has shown that Viagra and Cialis – two drugs used to treat erectile dysfunction – may reduce refactory period.
• Pelvic Floor Therpay - No research prove that this therapy will shorten the refractory period. However, it may improve sexual function.
• Stop having sex often. If you're banging your partner every next day, take some break and wait for week or more to have next session with your partner. A different sex schedule may result in a different refractory period.
Try a new position. Different positions mean different sensations.
• Focus on exploring full body rather than just focsing on some specific parts. Ask your partner to pull, twist, or pinch your ears, neck, nipples, lips, testicles and other sensitive areas. Let your partner know what you want to feel.
• Share your fantasies with your partner and try to act out or try out role play. 

Refractory period is best to recharge again. But if the refractory period lasts for too long then it is time you should talk with a sex expert as long refractory period could lead to more complex problems.



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