Wu Wei - Art Of Non-Doing

April 02, 2022, by Psychosexology W/ Gayatri

Wu Wei - Art Of Non-Doing

You must have heard people saying "i was in the zone" or "i was in the flow". But, what does that actually mean??? And what is that state called as??? And how some people get into that state?? Why some people forget about the world while doing something and others not?? The answer to all of your questions is - Wu Wei

Understanding Wu Wei
People have often experienced the ‘Wu Wei’ state. It is a state in which you hear people saying ‘I was in the zone’; it is a state in which things are so in flow that one looses the track of time or one is so occupied that they forget everything else (hunger, thirst, etc) and everything they do only seems so natural. Wu Wei means – in Chinese – non-doing or ‘doing nothing’. It sounds like a pleasant invitation to relax or worse, fall into laziness or apathy. The universe is not against you. Wu Wei simply means that the universe is already working in its harmonious ways and for a you to find accord with the universe, you don't have to act on it but just to simply go with the flow. Wu Wei is the cultivation of mental state in which our actions are quite effortlessly in alignment with the flow of life.

Goal of Wu Wei
Wu Wei involves letting go of ideals that yoy may otherwise try to force too violently onto things. It asks you to respond to the true demands of the situations which tend only to be noticed when you put your own ego-driven plans aside. What can follow is a loss of self-consciousness, a new unity between the self and its environment which releases an energy that is normally held back by an overly aggressive, wilful style of thinking. The goal of Wu Wei is to attain the natural way of behaving i.e. for a person to act, instead of knowing when and how to act, that person should just do the natural thing rather than thinking about the act. Because the moment, one thinks about what they are suppose to do, the ‘Wu Wei’ state is compromised and is lost.

How to practice Wu Wei ?
Living according to the principles of Wu-Wei means that you must first recognize your connection to everything in nature. Although you need to have clear limits, you also need to remain open and unafraid of vulnerability. Then you can learn to contemplate nature, feel the flow of the world's energy and learn to live in harmony with it. Realizing that the universe is not against you and that you don't have to confront it, brings a sense of freedom.

Wu Wei is often related to water. Like  water is soft and weak, it has the will and capacity to erode solid stone and move mountains. Water is without shape but because of its propensity and nature, it can assume any shape of a container or jug. This concept says that just simply accept life as it comes by, don’t fight it or think about it or react to it, just be natural and do the right thing at the right time. 

Steps to practice Wu Wei

Step 1: Relax
Tension constricts not just the body but also the mind and emotions. A state of relaxed alertness enables us to deal with situations simply and with ease, and it’s also contagious. When we’re stressed out, tense and frustrated, no one wants to be around us and we tend to get other people’s backs up. But when we’re relaxed, peaceful and at ease, people are more likely going to want to hang around us and work with us rather than against us. So, try to do something to relax your mind and body.

Step 2: Give  Yourself Permission for Wu Wei (Not-Doing)
Wu Wei (Not Doing) needs a special permission period of time.  That period must be designated with defined boundaries (times) so that the mind will feel comfortable freeing itself from the world. 

Step 2: Shut Up
Avoid having opinions and opportunities to express your opinions. Avoid the physical behaviors that manifest doing depend heavily on language and interaction with other humans. If you want to not do, this is the first behavior to work on.

Step 3: Stop Meddling
For many people meddling is an addiction. There is a constant, non-stop vigilance for the rush of the next meddling opportunity. Free time is even consumed with thoughts of meddling.
Don’t interfere in other people’s lives.  Don’t express opinions about their lives.  Do not shape the course of their lives.
Let them be. You don’t have to like or accept what they’re doing. Feel what you must feel. 

Step 4: Let Yourself Be
When engaging Wu Wei, you must abandon self-criticism, and self judgement. You must release yourself from measurement. You must release yourself from expectation.

Step 5: Find Different Ways
Painting, drawing, and coloring are all great ways to practice Wu Wei, especially getting into that natural Flow state where your actions become effortless. 

Step 6: Don't Worry About The Results
Do your best and let go of the results. We are responsible for our actions but not for the results of our actions. It useless to worry about what we don’t and can’t control. That’s a recipe for a life of misery.

Let it go. Let it happen.

So, try out experimenting with the art of non-doing and let me know how you feel about it.



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