Mysteries Of Female Orgasm

June 20, 2021, by Psychosexology W/ Gayatri

Mysteries Of Female Orgasm

Female orgasm has always been a mystery for men as well as many women as people don't educate themselves about it. But today, I am gonna tell you how amazing female oragasm is. Although, orgasms may not be necessary for women to conceive the baby, but when it comes to amazing sexual health, they do matter. So, here are some facts you need to know about female orgasm.

Women need more than just a dick

Clitoris is just the tip of iceberg. 
When it comes to amazing sex, men think that penetration is what works best for women. And they neglect to throw a look at clitoris. And that's the reason many women end up feeling frustrated because of sexual dissatisfaction as their partner fails to understand what they really want in bed. An online medical portal, conducted an in-depth survey, titled Sexual Dissatisfaction –– What It Means For Marriages In India. And it was found that 72% of Indian women said that they were dissatisfied with their sex lives. And this is because their partner just focus on penetrative sex. So, all men out their, need to understand that women need more than penetrative sex to orgasm.

You need to understand how 
amazing clitoral stimulation can be and why women want it. Doctors estimate that between 6,000 and 8,000 nerve endings exist in the clitoris. That's how you can imagine what kind of pleasure they can give to woman.

What you see is just the tip of the  iceberg. The clitoris is basically a horseshoe kind of configuration around the upper part of the vaginal opening. Majority of women don't get orgasm from penetration but they enjoy amazing orgasm with the help of clitoral stimulation. So, next time you have sex, don't forget to touch her down.

Wet dreams are for women too.
People believe that only boys can get wet while they are asleep. But, contrary to this, wet dreams are not just for men, but for women too.

When you dream something erotic during REM(Rapid Eye Movement), then, the blood flow to your vagina increases and leads to nocturnal orgasm. And this is very common between women. Wet dreams aren't a sign of a health problem and they don't cause any harm.

Even nonsexual situations can make women wet
You may not believe it but, this is very common too. Many women get orgasm even from nonsexual situations like undressing or dressing something they like, looking into mirror, brushing teeth, childbirth, breastfeeding, listening to some kind of song, etc. Not all orgasms are sexual in nature. Some orgasms might be associated with diverse forms of stimulation like light, sound, textures, tastes, pain or relief.

How to tell if women had an orgasm
Men fail to tell when their female partner have an orgasm. When it comes to men, women can easily tell when they ejaculate, but when it comes to women, nobody can perfectly say, if they had it. Very few men can say when their female partner have an orgasm. According to the recent study, it found that, nearly half of the men married to women can't say when she had an orgasm. This is because, orgasm for women is different than men. Women might feel pleasure and still not orgasm. And that's the reason, it's difficult to say, if they had it or not. So, the only way to know if your female partner had an orgasm is to ask her. So, next time you wanna know if your woman had an orgasm or not, just take a feedback from her. 

There is always more to know about what women really want. And the only reason men fail to understand them is because they don't even give a try to know woman as they think it's impossible to know what women actually want. But, if you get enough knowledge and try to learn about what women want in bed, you'll definitely be able to solve the mystery of female pleasure. 



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