Understanding Love With Triangular Theory Of Love

February 06, 2022, by Psychosexology W/ Gayatri

Understanding Love With Triangular Theory Of Love

Whenever we ask about what love means or what it feels like, people start defining romantic songs, movies, poems and novels. Many people find it difficult to decide the status of their relationship.
People don't know why to get into relationship or when to get over it.

They find it hard to think if they really are in love or is it just the attraction or infatuation. People are confused about the idea of true love.

Then, what is the real defination of love??? What love is made of??? And what are the forms of love?? How can you know that you are in love or not??
You might find the answer to these questions in the Triangular Theory Of Love. It is given by Robert Sternberg.
This theory suggests that people can have varying degrees of intimacy, passion and commitment. According to Robert Sternberg, Love has three components as -
Intimacy component
Passion component
Commitment component

Thses three components interact with each other and give eight kinds of love. The importance of each component of love may differ from person to person and couple to  couple. All these three components are required for the ideal romantic relationship, but the amount of each component required will differ from one relationship to another.

Intimacy refers to feelings of closeness, connectedness and bondedness in loving relationships.
Passion refers to the drives that lead to romance, physical attraction, sexual feelings. Passion is defined in three ways:
• A strong feeling of enthusiasm or excitement for something or about doing something
• A strong feeling (such as anger) that causes people to act in a dangerous way
• Strong sexual or romantic feeling for someone
Commitment component refers to the decision that one's commitment to maintain that love. It involves conscious decision to stick with one another througout the life. There are three ways to define commitment:
• A promise to do or give something.
• A promise to be loyal to someone or something.
• The attitude of someone who works very hard to do or support something
Friendship or Liking
This type of love is when the intimacy or liking component is present but feelings of passion or commitment in the romantic sense are missing.

ompanionate love
It's an intimate but non-passionate sort of love. It includes the intimacy and the commitment. But, passion is missing. It is stronger than friendship because there is a long-term commitment but there is less or no sexual desire. 

Empty love
It's when there is no passion or intimacy is involved but only commitment is left. This kinda love is often found in the marriages where passion and intimacy is absent but, the couple continues to stay together just because they are married and can't divorce because of some issues.

Factuous love
In this love, passion and commitment are present but, intimacy is absent. This can be seen in some marriages where, couple have sexual desires and commited to each other but there is no passion left.

It includes relationships where only passion is involved but there is no commitment and intimacy is involved. This love is lusty where there is deeper sense of intimacy isn't involved.

Romantic love
Love is called romantic when it involves both passion and intimacy. Couples in this love enjoy sexual pleasure and share secrets, deep emotions and feelings with each other irrespective of the fact to stay commited to each other for long term.

Consummate love
This love is made up of all three components like passion, intimacy and commitment. This is a total form of love. It represents an ideal relationship. Couples who experience this kind of love have great sex for years and stay together for long term. They cannot imagine themselves with anyone else. They also cannot see themselves truly happy without their partners. They try to overcome differences and face odds and difficulties together rather than giving up on each other. This kinda love may be harder to maintain than it is to achieve, as the components of love must be put into action. Without behavior and expression, passion might lost and love may revert back to the companionate type. 

So, now you can better understand the forms of love with triangular theory of love. But, keep in mind that if one of the three elements is dominating a relationship than the other elements then, the relationship has less chance at succeeding. So, behave and express accordingly to your partner to take your love life at next level.



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