The Anatomy Of Love Personality Quiz

February 07, 2022, by Psychosexology W/ Gayatri

The Anatomy Of Love Personality Quiz

Do you find it difficult to attract a right person for a date or to love them or to keep them??? And you wanna know the reason behind it??? 
We all know that personality plays an important role in person's life. But, do you know that it also affects your love life???? Yes it does. Your personality not only defines whom you attract but it also defines the way you attract and keep or leave people or how you express your to love them.

According to renowned biological anthropologist Dr. Helen Fisher, everyone has unique “personality signature” that determine how one behaves, including how and whom the one loves. Personality signature is like your love language which depends on biology. In 1992 Helen Fisher released the book “The Anatomy of Love: a Natural History of Mating, Marriage and Why We Stray.” It looked to human history, biology and animal behavior to explore the primordial urge to love and be loved. She explores new  frameworks to understand relationships. Dr. Fisher uses biology to explain why people fall in love, marry, divorce, mate, and everything in between. She did the brain research on lust, romance and attachment. She also talked about how we choose whom to love. And also throw the look at how the Internet has changed courtship and marriage. Through her research, she has concluded that romantic love is a drive, a motivation to win a preferred mating partner.
Dr. Fisher has identified the four styles of thinking and behaving, each of which is associated with one of the four basic brain systems: dopamine, serotonin, testosterone, and estrogen systems. Everyone is a combination of these traits. But, different individual expresses one trait more than other.

The four types are:

Explorer: those who primarily express traits linked with the dopamine system. 

Builder: those who primarily express the traits linked with the serotonin system.

Director: those who primarily express the traits linked with the testosterone system.

Negotiator: those who primarily express the traits linked with the estrogen system.

Helen designed the questionnaire to enable men and women to understand basic aspects of themselves and their romantic partners, as well as who they are most likely to be most attracted to, and their likely compatibility with this soul mate. The Anatomy of Love Personality Quiz provides a new way to understand how your personality traits impact all of your relationships, whether you’re searching for one or eager to strengthen the one you have. The questionnaire helps you to understand what personality signature you have. Which in turn can help you to understand what kind of partner you can attract and how to love and keep them. It can help you to understand whom you are most compatible with, which can help you to take your dating life at next level.

Click here to take Helen Fisher's The Anatomy Of Love Personality Quiz



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